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Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

Harmonic Frequency respons into signal processing

    • 202108277

      I want to input the frequency respons function into the signalprocessing block, so i can calculate its error from a known result. After that i want to do parameter optimization to fit the simulation to the meassured data. How can i make a variable in the signal processing blok with the FRF, so that it updates with all the new simulations when done with optislang sensitivity and optimization?

      Hope my request makes sense, I will much appreciate any help you can offer.

      Best regards


    • Markus
      Ansys Employee




      Hi Lynge,

      form my understanding you need to export the response to a text file.
      For inspiration, this has been done in the Spring Steel Example you find here: Examples

      How to read in a File in Signal Processing is shown here:
      Calibration of a Damped Oscillator in Ansys Workbench

      I hope this helps you.

      Best regards, 




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