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Can you please help in checking my wirebond Simulation?

    • lh23869

      I have simulated a 5 wirebond network in hfss, I have 5 pads connected to load of 25 ohm (using renormalized waveport for that) and 5 differential (50 ohm) transmission line pads (Gnd, positive, gnd, negative, gnd). My solution frequency is 3.5 GHz and sweep is from 2-10 GHz. My PCB structure comprises of copper ground, rogers tm core and solder mask on top, my PIC is Aluminium holder, silicon, and silicon dioxide with aluminium pads. Below is my model layout, electric field and integration line and de-embedding for port. 


      these are  my result for mag(S11), dB(S21), C1, C2,R, L and Q

      If any one has any insight as to improve the model or if what's wrong with the results please let me know, I am quite new to all this , any help would be much appreciated.


    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      What is the goal of your simulation?

      • lh23869

        I am trying to perform impedance matching, I have a source waveport at 50 ohm and a load waveport at 25 ohm, I need to extract, S parameters, impedance vs bond wire length, inductance of the wire bonds and effect of mutual inductance etc. 

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