Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Compression of a rubber sample in LS Dyna ACT Workbench Reply To: Compression of a rubber sample in LS Dyna ACT Workbench

Ram Gopisetti
Ansys Employee

Hi Javat, 

You have not touched the necessary parameters to avoid penetration in your model: contact/target penalty scale factor, using higher values may crash the solver so you need fine balance here. Also, do you need an Asymmetric behavior here as it creates _NODES_TO_SURFACE keyword and is unnecessary in your model. 

For softer materials such as rubber, you can try tet element as they have some elemental stiffness and are less prone to hourglassing start with tet 13 ( also need to set tet13v for accuracy ) and use tet10 for a bit more stiffness response. 

You can try SPH for rubber and see if it has improved response but use MLS approximation theory on MPP. 

Cheers, Ram