Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Doubts about radius scanning of curved waveguide Reply To: Doubts about radius scanning of curved waveguide

Ansys Employee

Dear Subscriber,

Here are a few observations based on the screenshots you’ve shared:

  1. When setting up the sweep, your parameters have different types. Please check if this reflects the actual geometry you are interested in. Based on the naming, it seems both parameters are intended to represent lengths. While this is not necessarily a mistake and depends on your script, it is a good practice to keep parameter types consistent.

  2. With your current sweep settings, you have 10 iterations starting from:

    1. Inner radius = 4.75 [some length units], outer radius = 5.25, ...
    2. Inner radius = 15 [some length units], outer radius = 15.
      Please double-check if this was your intention.
  3. Regarding your plot: What you are seeing appears to be a colormap of your function ─ probably transmittance ─ versus inner radius and wavelength, which varies with wavelength (vertically).

As a suggestion, here’s an approach you might consider: If you want to vary both radii simultaneously, modify your script to define a single radius R to describe the waveguide. Then, set: inner_R=R−ΔR, outer_R=R+ΔR. Next, sweep R over the desired range.

Best regards,