LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Setup Contacts between multiple .k files

    • anhtung.ho

      I am making a meta .k file that includes 2 .k file models. I tried to setup contact between parts in first .k file and the parts in second .k file. However, when I run the simulation, there is no collision occur. Could you please help me how to handle it? Thank you so much for your help

    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee


      Would you please provide more explanation about the model? Why did you use *INCLUDE_AUTO_OFFSET? Does "there is no collison" mean the parts pass each other without any interactions? When you open the main file in LS-PrePost, do you see all the parts in the right place?



    • anhtung.ho

      Hello Pedram,

      The figure above is the setup for the total system (final_system.k file). This system load parts from 2 k files (lattice_dyna.k and head_form_new.k). I tried to setup the collision between part ID 1 in lattice_dyna.k file and the part ID 2 in the head_form_new.k

      The reason I selected INCLUDE_AUTO_OFFSET because some nodes in 2 .k files have the same IDs, so I have to use this function to avoid the coincide. 

      Yes, "there is no collison" means the parts pass each other without any interactions.

      When I final_system.k, all parts are in right place.

    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Anhtung,

      Thanks for the details. Can you switch your contact card to *CONTACT_FORMING_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE and try again? Please activate the optional card A in all of your contact cards and choose a proper value for SOFT. For SOFT = 2, use a value of 3 for DEPTH.

      I hope this solves the issue.



    • anhtung.ho

      Thank you for your help. I tried again and it does not work with SOFT=2. After I read manual, I realize that SOFT=2 is not avaibale for beam part, which is exactly my situation. Therefore, I set SOFT=0 and it works well.

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