LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Discrepancy with CESE solver

    • Atish Gawale

      We are solving sudden compressed gas expansion problem in an open atmosphere using CESE solver and plotting pressure along the distance from the tank centre in axial and perpendicular directions. It is observed that results with CESE solver are significantly different than ANSYS Fluent solver as shown below. Starting shock and rarefaction wave is not resolved in CESE solver compared with Fluent. Could you please help us to resolve this difference in results?

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Atish,

      I think it will be difficult to solve this on the Ansys Forum. Ansys employees are not allowed to upload and download files on the Forum. 

      If you are a commercial customer, please create a support case on the Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS) and we will be able to help you better:

      Ansys Fluent is our flagship product for CFD. Why not use Fluent for your simulation?



    • Atish Gawale

      Hi Reno,

      We are performing fluid-structure interaction for simulations involving fluids and structures subjected to high strain rate loading. Currently it is only possible with LS DYNA software only. Can you please help to resolve this query for academic customer via account manager?


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