LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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LS Dyna CESE solver

    • Atish Gawale


      I am solving problem of sudden expansion of compressed gas in open atmosphere using CESE solver and compared same with Fluent solver and found significant difference is results. For this type of problem which fluid solver do you recommend ICFD, CESE or DUAL-CESE solver? 

      I want to model both species transport and combustion. Is species transport model available with DUAL-CESE solver?



    • Pedram Samadian
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Atish,

      I contacted the developer regarding your question. He said "For the sudden explosion problem, if the fluid speed is not high, it is better to use an incompressible solver such as ICFD. Currently, there is no species transport model in dual-CESE solver, but in the old CESE solver, there is combustion/chemical-reaction capabilities implemented. As for the difference between CESE results and Fluent, I couldn't comment since I don't know how his dual-CESE model set up."

      I hope this informations is helpful.



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