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Trouble Getting Correct FDTD Plane Wave Magnitude


    • brendanduong95

      I am simulating a plane wave source propagating through free space with no structures. When I look at the E magnitude plot, the field magnitude decays with distance when I expect it should be constant throughout (see below). Here are my settings:

      • Source
        • Plane wave with amplitude 1
        • Bloch/periodic plane wave type
        • Wavelength start and stop at 1.3 um
      • FDTD
        • Periodic x boundary conditions
        • PML boundary conditions everywhere else


      The magnitude profile I'm trying to get is shown below as well.


    • jacob.breakfield.2

      Also looking for help with this issue. I have not found a clear solution. The image of the desired output is from the "Understanding field truncation issues with finite sized plane wave sources" article. It mentions what to put for the simulation settings but perhaps something is missing from the source settings.

    • jacob.breakfield.2

      The issue has been resolved, the FDTD was a 3D simulation when it should be a 2D simulation to achieve the "constant amplitude" results.

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