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VeloceRF-Inductor Design

    • Neda Rezaei

      Hello Everyone,


      I am trying to design an inductor in VeloceRF Flow. The procedure I did is as follows:

      1- specified the parameters like frequency, x/y size, space width

      2-ran the simulation

      3-get the offered standard pcells

      4-place one of the offered inductors in the Klayout window

      5-change the size as interested. in this stage I am unable to exactly fix the inner/outer x/y, metal width, etc.. the pcell also has asymmetric size. when i try to change the values of interest, they authomatically return to their previous values. I beleive this happens because i have a pcell not the layout itself.

      can enyone help to mitigate this issue? is there also any way to have the layout instead of the pcell to extend/squees the layers?


    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator


      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum.

      Unfortunately, this question is beyond the scope of ANSYS employees to answer on a public forum, so hopefully other users can chime in.

      Best regards,

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