We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Rajeshwari Jadhav
Ansys Employee

Hi Aaron,

Please use ip address of the server instead of servername in Ansys Licensing Settings.

Launch Ansys Licensing Settings as admin> mention IP address (server 1)> test and save it> click on features in use, if any error send the screenshot.


Can you please try the below steps to resolve this issue : (Please take help from your IT team to add the server IP entry and save the hosts file which needs admin access)

  • Open the HOSTS file on client machine and add the license server name and IP of the license server in that hosts file.
  • Path: “ C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file “ as per the following format in your client machine :
  • Path:  For linux you can goto etc/hosts file (root access) and at the end add entries


IP address                                                         Hostname of server

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx                                                 aschueler           //IP address of server and name add in last line of hosts file.

  • Once the entry is added save the file.
  • Launch the Ansys licensing settings and goto feature in use see if same issue occurs, if all increments are shown then launch the application.

 Let me know if this helps to resolve the issue.