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ansys maxwell double rotor axial flux motor torque measurement(magnetostatic)

    • Taewan Kim


      I am trying to simulate double rotor axial flux motor to find torque at given current using magnetostatic. 

      The way I am trying to do is by converting my desired q-axis current in to ia = iq*(-sin(theta)), ib = iq*(-sin(theta - 2pi/3), and ic = iq*(-sin(theta + 2pi/3) and set excitation to each coils and check maximum torque at different rotor angle. (So consequently I need more or less similar value of torque throughout different rotor angle)

      But to do this I need to align rotor to each phase of a stator.

      question 1: how to determine where phase a,b,c of stator is?

      question 2: how do I set the initial rotor position? (do I align a magent of a rotor to d-axis or q-axis or somewhere?)


      Kind regards

      Taewan Kim

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      1. It depends on your design.

      2. In general, north pole will be aligned with phase A when using sine current. Please use RMxprt to build axial flux motor's model for a reference.

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