Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Pin pull-out test with CZM model Reply To: Pin pull-out test with CZM model

John Doyle
Ansys Employee

Perhaps you have seen these already, but if not, please study these training resources and articles below.  

[1] Title: 'Structural Nonlinearity | Ansys Innovation Courses', URL: '/courses/index.php/courses/structural-nonlinearity/'

[2] Title: 'ANSYS Mechanical: Delamination Analysis using Contact Debonding', URL: '/knowledge/forums/topic/ansys-mechanical-delamination-analysis-using-contact-debonding/'

[3] Title: 'How to model adhesives in Mechanical?', URL: '/knowledge/forums/topic/how-to-model-adhesives-in-mechanical/'