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No convergence In Mesh Independency Study of Basic Jet in Crossflow Setup

    • alpyldz

      Hello, I am trying to conduct a mesh independence study in a simple jet in crossflow analysis, but I have been unable to achieve convergence. My case setup is as shown in the visual below. All my equations have converged up to 10^-6, and there is no change in my control points throughout iterations. I am looking at the minimum temperature and velocity values on the facet created along a line at a certain distance from the jet flow. I have created multiple different meshes by dividing the global sizing values on Ansys Fluent's watertight meshing by 1.2 or 1.5 to reduce them. I have tried meshes ranging from 100 thousand cells to 20 million cells, but I have not been able to capture a specific trend. The discovered values, from coarse mesh to fine mesh along the line, are the lowest temperatures as follows: 460, 452, 424, 433, 402, 370, 380, etc. Even with 20 million cells, the values are still changing. I selected the fluid as air with its properties set as time-dependent. I also tried setting them all as constant, but there was no change. I have tried with all turbulence models and wall functions, and similarly, I have tried all solution schemes, but there is a consistent inconsistency, and the results vary as the mesh changes. I am awaiting your help. Thank you.

    • alpyldz
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