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Steady state thermal with repititive structures

    • abrahammathewkoshy


      I am trying to do steady state thermal analysis using ANSYS for a geometry which consists of the subpart repeating(say for 100 times). The subpart itself is complex(it has around 100 manual connections and 30 manual meshing sizes). So what is the way in ANSYS to create geometry, put connections and mesh sizings for subpart and ask ANSYS to repeat it for 100 times?

      This is similar to repeating a geometry on an array, but here I have to put it at specific locations.

      any help is greatly appreciated,

      thank you,


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Moving to Structural so it's more visible. 

    • Rohith Patchigolla
      Ansys Employee


      You can use Mesh Assembly features in WB. Here is an snapshot which shows the workflow. 

      Step1: Create a Mechanical Model (system found under Component systems in Project Page), with connections and mesh sizings etc

      Step2: Create a new Steady State Thermal system (for example)

      Step3: Connect Model cell of Mechanical Model to Model Cell of Steady State Thermal

      Step4: Click on Model cell of Steady State thermal and provide input for number of copies (in addition to the original) and offsets between each copy. 

      In the snapshot below, I created 100 copies with Z offset of 20 mm. 

      Best regards,


    • abrahammathewkoshy

      Thank you so much Rohith. This is a feature I have never used. I will mark this as solved after I try to use this tool to solve for my geometry. My geometry is very complicated If this is not working out, I would like to continue with this discussion.

      Question: Can we repeat only certain bodies and not repeat the other ones?



    • Rohith Patchigolla
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Abraham, 

      Sure. Regarding your new question, 

      Can we repeat only certain bodies and not repeat the other ones?


      You just need to make different Mechanical Models, say one Mechanical Model has geometry which repeats (say Sys A), and another Mechanical Model has geometry which doesn't repeat (say Sys B). Then you can connect these two Mechanical Models to a Transient Thermal system (like I mentioned before) and give the transformation settings only for Sys A. Contacts are automatically detected (can also be manually added) in the assembled model between repeating and non-repeating geometries. 

      Perhaps the below picture gives you the idea

      Best regards,



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