October 20, 2023 at 12:13 pmCaterina AzaisSubscriber
Hi everyone!Â
I am new to ansys and have been really struggling to get my code working.... I want to simulate the voltge output of a dielectic material under a uniform pressure acting on the top lectrode. Can someone please please please help me? Thanks !
! Geometryl = 5e-3 ! beam length, mw = 5e-3 ! electrode width, mt = 100e-6 ! thickness, mÂ!LoadingPRES= 10000 !pressure loading, PaÂ! Material propertiesY = 140e9 ! Young modulus, Pamu=0.358 ! Poisson ratio (nearly incompressible rubber)eps=8.17 ! electrical permittivity, relativeeps0=8.854e-12 ! free-space permittivity, F/mÂ/VUP,1,z/VIEW,1,1,1,1ÂÂ/PREP7ET, 1, 5, 3Â! == Material parameters! -- Elastic coefficients, MPac11 = 209.71e9c12 = 121.14e9c13 = 105.36e9c33 = 210.9e9c44 = 42.5e9c66 = 44.28e9Âtb,ANEL,1tbdata, 1, c11, c12, c13tbdata, 7, c11, c13tbdata, 12, c33tbdata, 16, c66tbdata, 19, c44tbdata, 21, c44Â! -- Piezoelectric coefficients, pC/um2e13 = -0.61e33 = 1.14e15 = -0.59Âtb,PIEZ,1tbdata, 3, e13tbdata, 6, e13tbdata, 9, e33tbdata,14, e15tbdata,16, e15Â! -- Dielectric constantsemunit,EPZRO,8.854e-6 ! pF/ummp,PERx,1, 7.57mp,PERy,1, 7.57mp,PERz,1, 8.31Â! -- model and mesh blockblock,-l/2,l/2,-w/2,w/2,0,tÂ! Set the merging tolerance (adjust as needed)KETOL = 1.0e-5vmesh,1ÂÂ! Structural BC - fix the displacement of bottom facensel,s,loc,x,-l/2d,all,ux,0nsel,r,loc,y,-w/2d,all,uy,0nsel,r,loc,z,0d,all,uz,0nsel,allÂ! Electrical BCnsel,s,loc,z,0nsel,r,loc,x,-l/2,l/2nsel,r,loc,y,-w/2,w/2cp,1,volt,allng=ndnext(0) ! ground nodeÂnsel,allnsel,s,loc,z,tcp,2,volt,allnl=ndnext(0) ! load nodensel,allÂ/SOLUantype,staticcnvtol,f,1,1.e-6cnvtol,amps,1,1.e-6cnvtol,volts,1,1.e-6d,ng,volt,0 !put ground node to zero voltsnsel,s,loc,z,tnsel,r,loc,x,-l/2,l/2nsel,r,loc,y,-w/2,w/2sf,all,PRES,0Â !apply pressureÂnsel, allsolvefiniÂ/POST1nsel,allpldisp,1 ! display deformed/undeformed shapeandscl ! animate deformed/undeformed shapensel,s,loc,x,l/2nd=ndnext(0) ! pick node for displaynsel,r,node,,ndprnsol,epel ! print strainprnsol,volt ! print voltagensel,allfiniÂ
October 20, 2023 at 12:32 pmErik KostsonAnsys Employee
The restrains, do not seem to be very well defined perhaps – but one issue is the pressure load (sf) sf,all,PRES,0 applies a 0 pressure which is not what one uses as a load (zero loads), and it applies it to the sides as well as the top –Â
so go through the command reference (e.g., sf command) and some simple apdl examples and then try to understand what you want to do and then how to do it using apdl – I would suggest to do this in workbench, where it is much easier.
Finally go through one of our courses:
If you are not able to open the links, refer to this forum discussion:Â How to access the ANSYS Online Help
Guidelines for Posting on Ansys Learning Forum
Hope that helps
October 20, 2023 at 12:57 pmCaterina AzaisSubscriber
thank you so much, that seems to be making much more sense now... I have changed the code as follows, however when i print the PRNSOL commands it says that the S, D, .. data are not available and hence its ignored. What is the problem? Thank you !
! Geometryl = 5e-3 ! beam length, mw = 5e-3 ! electrode width, mt = 100e-6 ! thickness, mÂ! Material propertiesY = 140e9 ! Young modulus, Pamu=0.358 ! Poisson ratio (nearly incompressible rubber)eps=8.17 ! electrical permittivity, relativeeps0=8.854e-12 ! free-space permittivity, F/mÂ/VUP,1,z/VIEW,1,1,1,1ÂÂ/PREP7ET, 1, 5, 3Â! == Material parameters! -- Elastic coefficients, MPac11 = 209.71e9c12 = 121.14e9c13 = 105.36e9c33 = 210.9e9c44 = 42.5e9c66 = 44.28e9Âtb,ANEL,1tbdata, 1, c11, c12, c13tbdata, 7, c11, c13tbdata, 12, c33tbdata, 16, c66tbdata, 19, c44tbdata, 21, c44Â! -- Piezoelectric coefficients, pC/um2e13 = -0.61e33 = 1.14e15 = -0.59Âtb,PIEZ,1tbdata, 3, e13tbdata, 6, e13tbdata, 9, e33tbdata,14, e15tbdata,16, e15Â! -- Dielectric constantsemunit,EPZRO,8.854e-6 ! pF/ummp,PERx,1, 7.57mp,PERy,1, 7.57mp,PERz,1, 8.31Â! -- model and mesh blockblock,-l/2,l/2,-w/2,w/2,0,tÂ! Set the merging tolerance (adjust as needed)KETOL = 1.0e-5vmesh,1Â! Structural BCnsel,s,loc,z,0d, all, volt, 0d,all,ux,0d,all,uy,0d,all,uz,0nsel,allÂnsel,s,loc,z,tSF,ALL,PRES,10000 ! APPLY PRESSURE LOADNSEL,ALLFINISHÂ/SOLVEOUTPR,,LAST/OUT,SCRATCHSOLVEFINISH/POST1/OUT,PRNSOL,S,COMPPRNSOL,EPEL,COMPPRNSOL,EF,COMPPRNSOL,D,COMP -
October 20, 2023 at 1:21 pmErik KostsonAnsys Employee
happy we could help.
See the video (post process) :
Also see the SET,LAST,LASTÂ POST1 command in the command reference
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