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    • Ariana Desai


      I've done everything to my knowledge that is possible to fix this error, including restarting the workbench application & my computer and allowing ANSYS apps through my firewall however I still am not seeing any tools in this space. Is there anything else I can try? Or is this definitely a licensing issue? 

      I'm not sure who to contact either! I've attached pictures below.

    • VJ
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ariana,

      Are you pointed to a license server for licenses? Do you get any error pop up while launching Workbench? 

      • Ariana Desai

        I ran the license manager + was able to upload a license file without problems. I think my machine is registered as a license server. I don't get any error pop ups at all.

    • VJ
      Ansys Employee

      Can you share the screenshot of the first three lines in your license file?

      Can you share the screenshot of the entry in the Ansys License Settings?

      • Ariana Desai

    • VJ
      Ansys Employee

      What licenses do you have? Are you able to go to START and run SpaceClaim without errors?

      Go to START > ANSYS Licensing Settings 2023r1 > Features in Use. Post the output. 


      • Ariana Desai

        The " Getting Servers..." page never actually loaded.

      • Ariana Desai

    • VJ
      Ansys Employee

      Click License Servers and input your computer hostname DESKTOP-6H4H9CA and save it. then try features in use to see if it fetches any information. 

      • Ariana Desai

        Do you mean this?

        Where do I input the information? Does the hostname go into "server", what goes into port?


        • VJ
          Ansys Employee

          You're right. Port will be 1055 and server 1 will be the hostname. then save it and try again.

        • Ariana Desai

          Okay I am trying it now!

        • Ariana Desai


          There is a green checkmark now but still this error.

        • VJ
          Ansys Employee

          can you try launching the Licensing Settings as administrator and then input the server info?

        • Ariana Desai

          Thank you! This works!

        • VJ
          Ansys Employee

          Awesome! if everything works, please click the 'Mark as answered' button to close this thread. :)

        • Ariana Desai

          The web portal shows my server as being added.

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