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Ok, you have to set up some steps to help the static calculation

Step 1 : You lock (0°) the rotation of the left pinion, and apply the torque on the right pinion.

Step 2 : you rotate the left pinion (for example 10°) => In this step, you have to set up sub step every 1°(or more) => Substeps are the key to the convergence. Your calculation have to stay in static, if the rotation gap is to big, calculation will fail

Advice 1 : You should fixe your remote point on the two cut edges of your pinion and set up the rigid behavior 

Advice 2 : turn on "large displacement"

Advice 3 : Weak springs are not a problem, you just have to check if the reaction forces are near 0 N after your calculation.

Advice 4 : 360° is not useful, I think juste a rotation on 3 teeth are good enough to capture all results.

Can you show your mesh, can you send me CAD file in .step ?

Can you show me the parameters of your frictionnal contact ?