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Problem by importing .xml file into load-time history in Ansys

    • Aimran96

      Hi all. I am trying to conduct a transient structural analysis with a given stress-time signal. Given the data is in around 66k timesteps. I tried to write them in .xml data and import them in ansys but there are some datas which are highlighted yellow and become the same value which are actually not. Some data are read in two decimal points instead. Is there a way to solve this problem? To change and type each timesteps data, I would find them quite disastrous. The same problem occurs when I am importing data for random vibration analysis with .xml file. I am currently using ansys acadamic research license. 

      Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Chandra Sekaran
      Ansys Employee
      Have you tried just cutting and pasting from Excel sheet? May be that is a good workaround?
    • Aimran96
      I have done it and it works. Thanks. Another question though, is there a way that I could reduce the size of .rst file? The current one I have is at 43GB which is quite big.I just want the results for stress in transient analysis only, so that I can use them for other FE-Solver which is FEMFAT. Is there a method in command APDL to do this?
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