October 21, 2021 at 8:02 pmsamkimSubscriber
For structure groups, I know I can use the command
set("construction group", true);
to toggle if they are a construction group or not. The model has this option through the GUI, but when I try to toggle it through the script, it gives me the error
in set, the requested property was not found
Is there a different command for the ::model?
October 25, 2021 at 6:05 pmKyleAnsys Employee
I don't think it's possible to set this for the model group through script. You can essentially make the model group a construction group by adding deleteall;to the beginning of the setup script. This you can do with script commands by extracting the model setup script as a string and appending "deleteall;\n" to the beginning:
´╗┐setup_script = getnamed("::model", "setup script");
setup_script = "deleteall;\n" + setup_script;
setnamed("::model", "setup script", setup_script);
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