Text Summary of the Above Video:
Specify Material
Under Geometry, select 'Stent'
Assignment: Structural Steel
Under Geometry, select 'Balloon'
Connections > Contacts > edit the automatically generated contact
Contact: Select the bottom surface of the Stent body
Target: Select the surface of the Balloon body
Target Shell Face: Select 'Top'
Shell Thickness Effect: Select 'Yes'
Type: Frictionless
Behavior: Asymmetric
Formulation: Augmented Lagrange
Detection Method: Nodal-Projected Normal From Contact
Penetration Tolerance: Value
Normal Stiffness: Manual
Normal Stiffness Factor: 1e-4
Update Stiffness: Each Iteration
Pinball Region: Radius
Pinball Radius: 3e-2 mm
Interface Treatment: Adjust to Touch
Text Summary of the Above Video:
Create a Polar Coordinate System for Balloon expansion
Select Coordinate system > Insert > Coordinate System
Geometry: Select the Balloon
Type: Cylindrical
Rename to Polar
Static Structural
Analysis Settings
Number of steps: 2
Initial Substeps: 200
Min. Substeps: 20
Max. Substeps: 1e5
Large Deflection: On
Insert > Displacement
Geometry: Select the Balloon face
Coordinate System: Polar (created above)
X Component: Tabular Data;
Insert > Frictionless Support
Select the three faces of Symmetry