It is necessary to model the bolts to understand their mechanical response under various loading conditions. In this workshop, we model the axle assembly. A tensile load is applied to one end of the axle and analyzed for the forces transmitted between connected parts through the bolts.
Download the zip file and extract the input files for this workshop. Follow along with this video for more details.
In the above workshop, we learned how to set up a bolted assembly and extract the required results. Let’s now run a simulation of a simple bolted joint consisting of two plates clamped together with a bolt. In this first case, the bolt is under shear force. Perform the analysis and answer the questions in the homework-based quiz.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Then go through the Readme file or follow along with the provided How To Video file.
(2) Tension Joint Case
In this homework, we will run a simulation of a simple bolted joint but now the bolt is under tension. Perform the analysis and answer the questions in the homework-based quiz related to this analysis.
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Then go through the Readme file or follow along with the provided How To Video file.
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