Mesh Generation using Ansys Fluent Meshing — Lesson 2

Once we have prepared the geometry that we will study in our simulation, we can begin one of the crucial steps in completing a successful CFD analysis: creating a mesh. For our external aerodynamic analysis, we will only be creating a CFD mesh of the fluid domain surrounding the two-diameter rocket. This mesh will discretize the air domain surrounding the rocket into a collection of individual control volumes. These control volumes will pass information from one cell to another to solve the problem. It is important to understand that creating a mesh for a CFD analysis is typically an iterative process that requires certain areas to be refined or coarsened depending on the accuracy and speed requirements of the final solution.


Using Ansys Fluent, this lesson will give students an overview of how to import their CAD geometry into Fluent meshing in order to create a high-quality CFD mesh. Students will explore the Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow while relevant options and operations will be explained along the way.  Meshing control topics such as boundary layers, local sizing, and minimum and maximum element sizing will be discussed and applied in this video.

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