

Why do the commands cd /D “C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64” ansysli_util.exe -statli 2325@%computername% Produce the output, ERROR unable to retrieve feature availability for 2325

    • FAQFAQ

      This error occurs because although the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect (ALI) is set up and running correctly on %COMPUTENAME%. An incorrect setting has been made pointing at a computer that is not running an up to date ALI. The wrong machine name setting could have been made in the file, “C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingansyslmd.ini” ANSYSLI_SERVERS=2325@wrongmachinename or as a Windows Environment variable, set ANSYSLI_SERVERS=2325@wrongmachinename The environment variable and/or settings in ansyslmd.ini will need to be corrected.