Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

What is the order followed while adding layers for the multi-layer shell conduction model ( MLS ) in Fluent ?

    • SolutionSolution

      1) The Multi-layer shell ( MLS ) conduction model is used to simplify different layers of a thin surface ( viz. heat shield) into a single baffle and model all the different layers for shell conduction ( thickness, material ) 2) The order followed for addition of layers will be: i. If external surface boundary surface ( i.e. mesh on only one side of the surface ) ii. If internal baffle surface ( i.e. mesh on both sides of the surface ) 3) For a surface with mesh on both sides ( baffle surface ), a wall will be created by the Fluent solver on the side with positive normal orientation of that surface. The other side becomes a wall shadow surface. 4) The orientations of surface normals can be checked in Fluent meshing>display mesh. Layers will be added away from the mesh in the pattern as shown in the attached resolution document. Layers will always be added starting at a wall zone and moving toward the partner wall-shadow zone. 5) For the MLS model, make sure the wall side of the surface is towards the desired position/orientation while adding layers for different materials and thickness. This is the requirement for layers propagated from wall to wall-shadow. If this is not possible, then the normals of the surface can be re-oriented in meshing, or more conveniently, the layers for the MLS model can be added in the reverse fashion, i.e. first layer3, then layer2 and then layer1 (see attached resolution document for more detail)

      1. KM#2052286.pdf