

What are the meaning of increments for Electronics Products?

    • FAQFAQ

      For all Electronics Desktop (EDT) products (HFSS/Maxwell/Simplorer/Q3D) the same licensing model is used. Following increments usually invoked during simulation: 1) electronics_desktop/maxwell_desktop/simplorer_desktop/etc – used to open one window of Electronics Desktop. All licenses can replace each other, important presence of any to launch EDT. New licenses contain only electronics_desktop increment since all products now handled within one platform. 2) electronics2d_gui/electronics3d_gui/hfss_gui/maxwell_gui/simplorer_gui/etc used to add design of specific type. Also old licenses (eg m3dfs_gui – Maxwell 3D design) are replaced by new common increments (eg electronics3d_gui) 3) m3dfs_solve/hfss_transient_solve/simplorer_sim/etc are solver licenses for each packet. Used during the analysis process. In addition to mentioned licenses some extra licenses could be used depending on the product. For example to use “Modelica” libraries in Simplorer you need to have simplorer_modelica increment To see information what increments are required for each product please refer to “ANSYS Inc Product to License Feature Mapping” section on customer portal: