We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Unable to start the Geometry or Mechanical Editor (Linux)

    • FAQFAQ

      Possible Resolutions: Check for an install.err file. This file, if exists will reside in the /ansys_inc directory. If found, attach it to your Service Request. Check the graphics card and the driver version you are using. Attach the output of the following commands to your Service Request: lspci -v cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version /sbin/modinfo nvidia | grep version If the machine you are trying to launch Workbench from does not have a certified, OpenGL graphics card then you will need to either obtain one or locate a machine that does have a certified, OpenGL graphics card. ANSYS applications require OpenGL and Professional Graphics Card Please see: https://www.ansys.com/-/media/ansys/corporate/files/pdf/solutions/it-professionals/platform-support/ansys-191-graphics-cards-tested.pdf?la=en Some of the certified cards might not be listed in this table. We support most Nvidia Professional graphics cards and AMD FirePro cards. We do not support AMD Radeon cards, or Nvidia Matrox cards and especially we do not support VGA mode. Close out of all Workbench sessions and ANSYS applications Log in as root and do the following: rm -rf /tmp/MW* rm -rf /tmp/Mw* mv ~/.mw ~/.mw.old Run: /ansys_inc/v191/aisol/workbench -cmd mwcleanup –s Then login as a normal user and do the following: rm -rf ~/.config rm -rf ~/.mw rm -rf ~/.ansys Launch Workbench and the previously failing application to see if the issue is resolved. If not, please do the following: 1. Run the product with more output to the console. Set the following environment variables: ANSYS_FRAMEWORK_DEVELOPMENT=1 WBTracing=true Run the product, redirecting the output to a file runwb2 > out.txt 2. Try using the ANSYS packaged Mesa libraries to see if it is graphics related. Set the environment variable: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ansys_inc/v191/Framework/bin/Linux64/Mesa Run the application and see if the issue is resolved 3. Try attaching gdb Attach gdb to the process (ps -ef | grep wbu to get the PID, and then “gdb attach PID”) Type: “handle SIGXCPU SIG33 SIG35 SIGPWR nostop noprint” at the gdb prompt. Type: “continue” at the gdb prompt When the process finishes, type “thread apply all bt” at the gdb prompt. If it doesn’t occur in a reasonable amount of time, hit “[CTRL] + c” to interrupt, and then type it. Collect the related backtrace and attach the information to your Service Request.