

RSM Error: Network directory /PROJ/RSM/2_pending/dp0_APDL_Setup-1 is not visible to machinename.domainname when submitting a job from a Windows RSM client machine to a Linux RSM manager machine.

    • FAQFAQ

      This error is often the result of an incorrect setting for the value, ” Network Share Paths on Cluster” on the File Management Tab of the RSM 18 Configuration interface. At RSM 18, when using the, “No File Transfer Needed” file transfer option the Linux directory path set under, Network share paths on cluster replaces the first two elements of the corresponding Windows path and not the whole path. If the files to be transferred are located in the Windows directory \string1string2string3string4 Setting, Network share paths on cluster, to a value of, /string1/string2/string3/string4 Results in RSM using the Linux directory, /string1/string2/string3/string4/string3/string4 and not as some customers assume, the Linux directory, /string1/string2/string3/string4 Setting, Network share paths on cluster, to a value of /string5/string5/string5/string5 Would result in RSM using the Linux directory, /string5/string5/string5/string5/string3/string4