We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Question: What should I do if RSM 18.2 jobs submitted to PBS Pro on Linux run into the following error Submit Failed. ApplicationName=’qsub’, ….Native error= Cannot find the specified file System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName=’qsub’, CommandLine=’ ….. Native error= Cannot find the specified file

    • FAQFAQ

      Answer: Use “which qsub” command on linux to determine full path to qsub and add that to /ansys_inc/v182/RSM/Confot/tools/linux/rsm_env_profile e.g. Use putty ssh to login to the machine running job manager and run which qsub if the path shown is /cm/shared/apps/pbspro/ Then apply the path and login as user who can edit the rsm_env_profile and add a line export PATH=$PATH:/cm/shared/apps/pbspro/ What causes this error: The command in the error is likely in your path when you interactively login say using putty ssh. However, the operating system may be handling non interactive login differently causing the issue. The complete error may look like below Submit Failed ApplicationName=’qsub’, CommandLine=’-l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1 -N “RSMTest” -q workq -V -o “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/stdout.rsmout” -e “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/stderr.rsmout” “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/clusterjob.sh”‘, CurrentDirectory=’/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk’, Native error= Cannot find the specified file System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName=’qsub’, CommandLine=’-l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1 -N “RSMTest” -q workq -V -o “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/stdout.rsmout” -e “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/stderr.rsmout” “/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk/clusterjob.sh”‘, CurrentDirectory=’/rsm/abcdefgh.ijk’, Native error= Cannot find the specified file.