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Q: Contact regions in Ansys Meshing are not importing into CFX Pre correctly

    • FAQFAQ

      The default mode of CFX-Pre for reading in an Ansys mesh is to read the contact region information from the Ansys mesh file. Sometimes this does not work or the contact regions are not correct in the first place. CFX-Pre has another mode of operation in which it will automatically detect mesh contact regions and generate its own domian interfaces. To automatically generate its own domian interfaces select Edit->Options->CFX-Pre->General. Tick on the automatic domain and domain interface options. Hit OK/Apply. To automatically detect mesh contact regions Select the menu Edit->Options->CFX-Pre->Mesh->Mesh Import Options->ANSYS Meshing. Change the “Contact Detection” to “Bodies”. The other relevant parameters are “Tolerance Method” and “Tolerance”. The default settings of a relative tolerance of 0.001 should work well in most cases. The other way to alter the contact detection settings is when manually reading a mesh into CFX-Pre. This will be required when a mesh cell is not linked to a CFX-Pre setup cell in Workbench. On the mesh import form expand the contact section on the right hand side of the form and change the detection method to “Detect”. This has the same effect as changing the “Contact Detection” option under Edit->Options to “Bodies” as described above. Make sure the option at the bottom of the form to use these settings next time is ticked on if you want to keep using the same settings. This will cause the settings to be saved to your CFX preferences file. Either strategy will result in the same relevant settings being saved in your CFX preferences file. Whenever you use Workbench to auto load in mesh a from a connected mesh cell it will use the settings in the CFX preferences file. The CFX preference file will be in the home folder under .cfx/CFXPreferences.ccl. The contact detection settings are described in the Help manual at ANSYS Help// CFX // CFX-Pre User’s Guide // Importing and Transforming Meshes // Importing Meshes // Supported Mesh File Types // ANSYS Meshing Files.