

Notes on Using ICEM CFD in Interactive Mode from ANSYS Meshing

    • FAQFAQ

      Interactive Mode has been made available from version 13.0. This activates ICEM CFD (or simply known as ICEM) with ANSYS Meshing (or simply known as AM) and creates hexa meshes using mesh editing (smoothing, tetra > hex conversion, etc.) and ICEM blocking. However, the following restrictions apply, so please exercise caution. 1.Interactive Mode cannot be used unless ICEM is installed with an available ICEM license. 2.When using it, it is necessary to specify Patch Independent or Multizone in the mesh technique settings prior to use, and to enable Write ICEM CFD Files from Advanced settings. 3.Mesh edited by ICEM must match the shape originally read in AM 4.If the quality of the mesh created with ICEM is bad, the mesh may not be transferred to AM (Shape checking = None in AM Mesh settings if you still want to transfer despite bad quality). 5.Named Selection is not available in Interactive Mode. 6.When blocking is used, it is necessary to set the block’s part name to “CREATED_MATERIAL” in ICEM. 7.When using Interactive Mode in a multibody part, all other bodies need to be divided by ICEM 8.In the batch execution of an ICEM script in Interactive Mode, you need Administrator user. privileges (in Windows Vista or Windows 7, “Run Workbench as Administrator” in advance).

      1. 2048458.pdf