We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


If I specify a wall’s thermal BC type to ‘radiation’ or ‘mixed’, why does the ‘radiation heat transfer rate’ under ‘flux reports’ still calculate 0 for that wall?

    • FAQFAQ

      This flux report computes the heat transfer rate by whichever radiation model you have enabled under the ‘radiation model’ panel. Specifying that a wall has a radiation BC type means that we specify the heat flux at the wall by using the Stefan-Boltzmann law (i.e., such that q = sigma*(T1^4 – T2^4)), but Fluent does not include that flux in the radiation heat transfer rate. If you are not using a radiation model, the radiative flux will always be zero. Saying that a wall has a radiation BC type simply means that we specify the heat flux in the form q = sigma*h*(T1^4 – T2^4). It does not actually enable any of the radiation models. Keywords: flux, radiation, mixed, flux report