

I get the following error in CFX, how can I fix this? +——————————————————————–+ | Checking for Isolated Fluid Regions | +——————————————————————–+ 2 isolated fluid regions were found in the following set of coupled domains: Rotating domain stationary domain inlet stationary domain outlet If the isolated regions do not have the pressure level set either by the boundary conditions or using a reference pressure equation, you may encounter severe robustness problems. This situation may have arisen because a domain interface was not properly defined during problem setup. Please carefully check the setup. The solver will stop now and write a results file. The isolated regions can be visualised in CFX Post by making plots of the variable “Isolated Volumes”. If you are sure that the pressure level is set in each isolated fluid region then you can force the solver to turn off this check by setting the expert parameter “check isolated regions = f”.

    • FAQFAQ

      In CFD-Post, load the .res file that was generated. Go to Insert > Location > Volume. Set Method = Isovolume, and Variable = Isolated Regions. Set Mode = At Value, and Value = 1 or 2 (or any other number from 1 to the number of isolated fluid regions). The interface between volumes of different values will show where there is a wall. There is likely a wall between isolated fluid regions and making a modification in Geometry to allow for a conformal mesh to be generated (or adding an interface in CFX-Pre) will likely be needed.