We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


I am trying to write a tet mesh from ICEM CFD out to LS-DYNA. I keep getting output that there are no valid elements, similar to the following: Calling IcemMap constructor Loaded files… Icem Mesh data: Nodes: 328178, Elements: 2016639, Sections: 3 Families: 6, BC types: 6 Constructing BCtree LSdyna nodes(NUMNP): 328178 Keyword file formatting: Fixed Using to large format since maximum node id(328178) exceeds 99,999… 0 user-specified materials constructed. 0 default materials constructed. 0 part-specific material(s) constructed. Number of materials(NMMAT): 0 Max materials id: 0 0 default sections constructed. 0 user-specified section(s) constructed. Number of sections(NMSEC): 0 0 default hourglasses constructed. 0 user-specified hourglass(es) constructed. Number of hourglasses(NMHG): 0 0 default EOS(es) constructed. 0 user-specified EOS(es) constructed. Number of EOS(es) (NMEOS): 0 LoadCurve id :- 2 3 1 4 No Part is valid Ignoring *SET_PART_LIST => part_set/All How can I get the elements to be written out?

    • FAQFAQ

      The LS-DYNA translator will only write out elements that are associated with material. (Other LS-DYNA boundary conditions can be setup from ICEM as well.) To do this, ICEM should be configured from the Settings Menu (under Tools) to have Mechanical Preprocessing activated. Check off the Mechanical Preprocessing option, Apply and restart ICEM to activate this feature. Once Mechanical Preprocessing is activate, there will be 4 extra tabs across the top of the ICEM viewer: 1. Properties 2. Constraints 3. Loads 4. FEA Solve Options The Properties tab is where you can define materials and assign them to element families. Before starting, make sure that all the part families that you will need for material, load and constraint assignment are present. 1. Create the required materials under Create Material Property 2. Visit the required element types( 0D 1D 2D and 3D) to assign the Material and Property type according to the problem definition 3. This is all that is required to write out the elements. (To apply loads and constraints for a structural problem, you can visit the Constraints and Loads tabs accordingly.) Save the project to store your element and property assignments 4. Finally, visit the FEA solve options tab to set Solver Parameters, Analysis Type etc … (In each of these cases, it may be sufficient just to ensure that the solver is set to LS-DYNA) 5. Under the Solver Output icon, set the solver to LS-DYNA and click on Apply. This will write out all the elements for which material properties have been defined.