September 14, 2024 at 2:10 amWatch & LearnParticipant
The Autoskin tool generates CAD geometry from faceted models that are relatively smooth and error-free. For example, if your design starts with a clay model that is scanned and output to a supported faceted data type, you can import this data as a Facet Mesh. Then, use the Autoskin tool to create the CAD geometry.
This video demonstrates how to use the Autoskin SubD Hybrid Model feature in Discovery. It shows the process of converting a faceted model from a topology optimization simulation into a SubD model.
- The faceted model should be smooth and free from defects (for example, the model should be manifold with no sharp edges, self-intersections, etc.). If the model boundary is not smooth, the CAD geometry creation may fail or result in incorrect geometry.
- Only a single faceted body can be converted at a time.
- The conversion is dependent on the number of facets, inflection points, curves, etc. Performance will be impacted when skinning models with a large number of facets (above 200,000 triangles).
- The Skin Surface tool can be used to manually create any missing patches.
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- Split Face in SpaceClaim
- Ansys Discovery – Working with Components
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- Stitch Faces & Split Edges Tools in SpaceClaim
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