We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How to enable “Large Model Support” for an already created geometry in DesignModeler?

    • FAQFAQ

      In order to create geometries of large scale, i.e. larger than 1 km, it is necessary to activate the “Large Model Support” before any geometry operation is done in DesignModeler (DM). In case an already existing geometry shall be extended to a larger dimension, then the following approach can be applied to avoid the need to re-create the geometry from the beginning: 1) Export the agdb-file from the “SmallModel” 2) Open a new DM and set Large Model Support = Yes 3) Import (not Load!) the agdb-file with File > Import Actually the File Import does not list agdb-files as allowed types. But you can switch to show “All Files” and then select the agdb-file. It will get imported and be visible as “Import (Beta)” in the model tree. With that you can not modify the imported “SmallModel” geometry in the “LargeModel” DM. But you can still do changes in the DM of the “SmallModel”, export again the agdb-file and then update the Import of the agdb-file in the LargeModel. Just set the “Refresh” option to Yes and select “Generate”. So with this you can combine modifications in the small model with additional geometry operations on the large model.