

How can I show two units for a variable in CFD-Post?

    • FAQFAQ

      This is strictly not possible automatically within CFD-Post. However there is a workaround to achieve this, as described below. For example, to show temperature in both Celsius and Kelvin, please follow these steps: 1)If the standard variable Temperature is in Kelvin. Create an expression to give your other temperature field (i.e. TempC = Temperature – 273 [K]) 2)Create another variable based on this expression. Remember to include the units in the title of this, so maybe call the variable Temperature [C]. 3)Create, say, a contour plot on your locator. 4)Create a new legend. This will be the Kelvin scale 5)Make the contour plot invisible 6)Create a new contour plot, coloring the locator with your new temperature variable. The default scale should now have your Celsius variable.