We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How can I Export and import boxes / Systems from one Workbench Project to another?

    • FAQFAQ

      You can reuse systems from a previously created project file by exporting one or more of them to a new project. To create the new project: 1. If you have not saved your current project, from the menu bar, select File > Save. 2. Select all systems to be exported using one of the following methods: – Click the header cell of a single system. – Box-select by clicking and dragging the selection box over the required systems. – Press Ctrl and click the required systems. 3. Right-click the header of one of the selected systems. 4. Select Export System(s) from the context menu. 5. If you did not save your project in step 1, the Unsaved Project dialog box is displayed: – Click Save and Proceed. – In the File name field, type a name for the current project. – Click Save. 6. In the Export As dialog box, type the name of the new export project into the File name field. 7. From the Save as type drop-down list, select .wbpj to save the export project as a new Workbench project, or .wbpz to save the export project as an archive file. 8. Click Save. 9. If you are saving the export project as an archive file: – In the Archive Options dialog box, select the optional items to archive. – Click Archive. To import files: 1. From the menu bar, select File > Import. 2. Optionally, select a file type from the file selection filter list. 3. Browse to the file location. 4. Select the file to import. 5. Click Open. Importing an archived project adds the data contained in the project to the currently-loaded project. Systems in the imported project are added to the schematic, along with all the data they contain. The connections between imported systems are kept, but no connections are made to the systems in the existing project by the import process.