We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.



    • FAQFAQ

      Applies to any version of Fluent Comments: These errors with the latest versions of Fluent are usually graphics issues. For example, you are remoting into a machine without OpenGL graphics and a certified, professional graphics card and are expecting the Fluent GUI to launch. If in the past, you have been remoting into a machine without graphics capabilities with low end, server side graphics card for IT administration and were successful with launching Fluent or any Ansys application. This will no longer work, especially with the newer releases of Ansys as the graphics requirements are much greater today than they were in the past. Resolution 1: You will need to have a graphics node with a certified, professional graphics card with the latest driver installed on the remote machine. https://www.ansys.com/-/media/ansys/corporate/files/pdf/solutions/it-professionals/platform-support/graphical-display-graphics-cards-tested-19.pdf?la=en On the graphics node, you will then be able to launch Fluent or any Ansys application interactively. You will also need to use one of the Remote Display tools that Ansys supports. Please see below for more information about Remote Display and Graphics Requirements. Remote Display Requirements https://www.ansys.com/-/media/ansys/corporate/files/pdf/solutions/it-professionals/platform-support/remote-display-and-virtual-desktop-support-19.pdf?la=en Resolution 2 : Check X11 forwarding Ensure that X11 forwarding is enabled (‘ssh -X’ when logging in using a terminal or, if accessing through Putty, under the menu ‘Connection’->’SSH’->’X11′ and tick to enable). Also ensure, if using a Windows machine, that Exceed (or equivalent Linux replicating software) is turned on and functional. Resolution 3: Comment out or delete all IPV6 information in the /etc/host file. For example, if you have the following in the /etc/host file put a pound symbol in front of each IBV6 entry. You might need to restart the network services. # special IPv6 addresses localhost :1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback fe00::0 ipv6-localnet ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts Resolution 4: Check your /etc/host file and verify that you are not having hostname problem. Also check that this is not a DNS issue. Contact your Systems Administrator for assistance. You can try the following: 1.In a Terminal window type: hostname (use the returned hostname in the next command) 2.Type: ping hostname It should return something as seen in the following example below: ping hostname.company.com (IP_ADDRESS) Verify that the IP_ADDRESS that was returned is the correct IP_ADDRESS for your hostname If it returns the error: “unknown host hostname” open up a Terminal Windows and CD to the /etc directory. Open up the hosts file. The hosts file should contain at least the following: localhost IP_ADDRESS hostname.company.com hostname (Where IP_ADDRESS hostname.company.com hostname is the IP ADDRESS on the local machine name and then add the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)) 3.Make the desired updates and save the file. You might need to restart the network services. 4.Open up a new Terminal Window and try launching FLUENT again.