We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Error in the RSM log: > Executing command: C:Program FilesANSYS > Incv110ANSYSbinIntelANSYS110.exe -b nolist -s noread -m 262 -db > 212 -np 2 -p ansys -i remote.dat -o solve.out (5/21/2008 11:42:41 AM) > The system cannot find the path specified. (5/21/2008 11:42:46 AM) > Remote ANSYS process ended. (5/21/2008 11:42:47 AM) Machine Info: Client: Name = Computer1 OS = Windows XP 32bit Remote Solve Manager and Compute Server: Name = Computer2 OS = Windows XP x64

    • FAQFAQ

      Reason: This error occurs when using a roaming profile. With a roaming profile the user settings, Application Data, HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry entries, and User environment variables are all transferred to any machine you log into on the network. Since RSM uses network accounts to submit jobs, when you try to send an analysis to the remote solve manager/computer server, your user environment variables were also transferred to that machine. On a Windows computer your user environment variables will overtake the system environment variables. This means that the user variable for a 32bit machine (“ANSYS_SYSDIR=Intel”) was being used instead of the system variable for the 64bit machine (“ANSYS_SYSDIR=winx64”). Workaround: Verify that the following system environment variables are set on the remote machines: ANSYS_SYSDIR ANSYS_SYSDIR32 ANSYSLIC_SYSDIR Then remove the corresponding user environment variables from the client computer. Possible problem: If Workbench is ever reconfigured after these variables are deleted, the Workbench reconfigure will rewrite these variables and recreate the problem.