

Equation tool in Ansys Discovery 2024R2

    • SolutionSolution

      In Ansys Discovery 2024R2 now you can now create curves using Equation Tool. This tool will assist complex sketching and make it much easier for the users. In previous releases you could create surface using the equation tool but adding a curve gives more flexibility and makes it easier to sketch complex curves governed by equation and parameters.  

      To create curves or surface using equation, navigate to Design Tab and select Equation tool from Body Group. Once the equation tool is active you can select between surface and curve. There are lot of inbuilt equations that you can use or create customs curves. Custom curves can be saved and accessed later as well.

      After selecting the curve type, curve is visible in the design window. You can further change the parameters of the curve like the start point, end point etc. Press the green check mark so that the equation is added in the design window and visible in the model tree.

      For e.g.: Here you can create a helix and change the parameter values to see the effect. Once are you are satisfied with the helix created, click okay and you will see helix curve added in the model tree. Further you can maybe create a surface and use pull along a trajectory to create helical pipe.

      If you are working with a complicated equation, it’s better to expand the equation tab. This does help in entering the equations easily or you can even copy paste the equation in it. Change the interval manually or you can take help of the slider. You can save the custom equations and use it later.