Tagged: bonded contacts, compute from material, compute from material thickness, conductive heat transfer, contact surfaces, Gasket, imperfect contact, large thermal conductance, material conductivity, material thickness, perfect conduction, perfect thermal contact, specify thermal conductance, structural-thermal simulation, temperature discontinuity, thermal conductance value, Thermal contact conductance, thin layer material
November 16, 2023 at 5:05 am
Watch & Learn
ParticipantIn this quick tip video, you will learn how you can specify thermal conductance for your contacting bodies.
For bonded contacts in a structural-thermal simulation, select Specify thermal conductance to modify the conductive heat transfer between contact surfaces. You can specify the thermal conductance as a value, or you can specify a material and material thickness. If thermal conductance is not switched on, heat is transferred between the two faces as if there was perfect conduction.
- Select Thermal conductance to specify the conductive heat transfer as a value.
- Select Compute from to specify a material and material thickness, which Discovery then uses to compute the thermal conductance (material conductivity/thickness)
If contact occurs, a small value of thermal contact conductance yields a measured amount of imperfect contact and a temperature discontinuity across the contact surfaces. A small thermal contact conductance can also be used to represent a thin layer of material with a different conductivity, such as a gasket.
For large values of thermal contact conductance, the resulting temperature discontinuity tends to vanish and perfect thermal contact is approached. With a zero value, however, the solver assumes that no heat is transferred across the contacting surfaces.
Note: While Discovery can solve with a value of 0, which specifies no heat transfer between the faces, a project with a 0 value for thermal conductance is invalid when exported to Workbench. You must then replace zero conductance with some small value.

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