June 6, 2022 at 10:54 am
Watch & Learn
ParticipantThis ANSYS How To video will demonstrate how to share topology upon the transfer of geometry from ANSYS SpaceClaim to ANSYS Mechanical. Shared topology can be used to connect parts geometrically, rather than by contact or in the mesh. ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler is the easiest and fastest solution to prepare geometry for simulation. SpaceClaim’s direct modeling solution speeds up time to analysis by removing the geometry bottleneck, and it shortens the time needed for analysis by allowing engineers to simplify models during pre-processing. SpaceClaim also provides a CAD neutral environment, freeing engineers to focus on the physics and modeling. ANSYS Mechanical software is a comprehensive FEA analysis (finite element) tool for structural analysis, including linear, nonlinear and dynamic studies. The engineering simulation product provides a complete set of elements behavior, material models and equation solvers for a wide range of mechanical design problems. In addition, ANSYS Mechanical offers thermal analysis and coupled-physics capabilities involving acoustic, piezoelectric, thermal???structural and thermo-electric analysis. SpaceClaim provides 3D modeling software to create, edit, and modify CAD or STL files for design, reverse engineering, simulation, manufacturing, 3D printing, and sheet metal.

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Postprocessing on Ansys EnSight
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- ANSYS DesignModeler: How to Perform a Clean and Repair
- ANSYS DesignModeler: Imprinting Geometry
- ANSYS Workbench CAD Interface for NX: How To Create Named Selections and Parameters
- ANSYS DesignModeler: Weld Feature
- ANSYS DesignModeler: Shared Toplogy
- How to move component within the assembly?
- ANSYS SpaceClaim: Shared Topology
- ANSYS SpaceClaim: Imprinting Geometry
- Bidirectional CAD Interface Between ANSYS Mechanical and Creo Parametric 2.0
- How to perform a subtract Boolean operation in SpaceClaim Direct Modeler?
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