Tagged: Ansys Discovery, components
April 2, 2024 at 10:54 am
ParticipantAnsys Discovery is a modern, user-friendly modeling tool which houses a lot of features which help with geometry creation from scratch and prepare your CAD for simulation. When working with large assemblies you often need to edit, replace individual components and Ansys Discovery does that with ease. You can open individual components in a new tab to edit or even replace them with another component. Let’s check out these features in more detail.
To View various options for working with components you need first Right Click on the Component, and the below is the options will show up. Then select the best options that meets the task.
- Activate Component for Modeling
- Open Component
- Replace Component
- Replace All Instances of the Component
- Export Component
You can refer to this attachment for more details Working with Components

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- Surface to solid creation in SpaceClaim
- FAQ – Share Topology is now available in Discovery 2021 R2
- Ansys Discovery – Working with Components
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- Split Face in SpaceClaim
- Ansys Discovery: Automatic External Volume Enclosure
- Discovery Quick Tip- How to update your geometry from a source CAD File
- Stitch Faces & Split Edges Tools in SpaceClaim
- Creating Shell Geometry from Solid in SpaceClaim
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