

Animation types in ANSYS EnSight

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      In EnSight there are three ways to create an animation: Solution Time, Flipbook, Keyframe animation. Each of these methods have different pros and cons, and knowing how to use them correctly can help you save time and getting a better result. Solution Time A solution time animation is the most basic kind of animation you can create. It simply moves through time when you have a transient dataset load in EnSight. This animation streams the data directly for the disk for each timestep: therefore, there is no memory usage increase with the number of timesteps. Moreover, it allows you a large degree of interactivity, as you can stop / create new parts / go back in time while playing the animation. On the other hand, it implies an intense i/o, that controls also the velocity of streaming, which can be not-ideal. Also, as it doesn’t cache the animation frames, each time you run a solution time animation, it will re-generate the animation (which can get time-consuming for large models). Flipbook The main difference between a Solution Time animation and the Flipbook animation is that the latter creates pages and caches them (on the client side), so that if you re-play the animation, EnSight won’t have to regenerate it, saving you time. Moreover, in a Flipbook animation you can create an animation starting from a static model, for example by showing a clip-plane that swaps in one direction. On the other hand, a flipbook will require more memory usage on the client, and it also won’t allow you to create new parts while playing the animation (not real interactivity). Keyframe The latter kind of animation in EnSight is the one that allows you to create more advanced animations, usually used for point of view animations. You will be able to control movements around the model while you are evolving it in time (such as fly-by effects), rotate/zoom around the model while stopping the time evolution to better show some details. This type of animation is meant to create a file to use outside of EnSight, as it has no interactivity.