We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


2019R1 Workbench Fluent design point update (foreground in Solution and foreground in Parameter Set) stuck at end of 1st DP and doesn’t proceed to next DP. Fluent processes could not be terminated after iterations and cas/dat files are written in 1st DP.

    • FAQFAQ

      When Workbench 2019R1 > Tools > Options > Fluent > “Reuse Fluent Session for Design Points” is enabled (disabled by default), or %APPDATA%v193UserRegFiles_XXXXXXXFluentPreferences.XML, line #8 is set to “True” as below (False by default) The SolutionPending.jou file for a DP job may miss below 2 last lines for a foreground DP job: (wb-stop-transcript-file) (wb-exit) May cause Fluent processes could not be terminated after iterations and cas/dat files are written, and 1st DP job may stuck and does not process to next DP. Disable this option in WB, or set it to False in .XML file, or simply rename %APPDATA%v193 may resolve the issue.