Structural & Thermal

Structural & Thermal

Is it possible to define a contact offset function of X, Y or Z ?

    • SolutionSolution

      Yes it’s possible. For that you need to define a table with APDL and modify CNOF to make it function of a table. *DIM,cnof,table,7,1,,Y! Define a new table variable ‘cnof’ as a function of Y cnof(1,0) = -35000! Define the row 1 (Y) of the table cnof(2,0) = -30000 cnof(3,0) = -25000 cnof(4,0) = -20000 cnof(5,0) = -15000 cnof(6,0) = -10000 cnof(7,0) = -5000 cnof(1,1) = 0.0! Define row 2(Offset) of the table cnof(2,1) = 0.01 cnof(3,1) = 0.02 cnof(4,1) = 0.025 cnof(5,1) = 0.02 cnof(6,1) = 0.01 cnof(7,1) = 0.0 RMODIF,cid,10,%cnof%! Modify the real constant 10 of the contact elements ‘cid’ Please find attached an example
