

What is the cause of the warning message : “prism columns not encapsulated, can’t remesh”

    • FAQFAQ

      When running 2.5D remeshing simulation in Fluent parallel you may see the following warning message: “prism columns not encapsulated, can’t remesh”. This indicates that the partitioning is not encapsulating the wedge/prism columns and therefore due to cell quality reason this makes it difficult to do surface remeshing AND extrusion since the extruded prism/wedge columns of cells don’t reside on one CPU/core. Remeshing when prism/wedge column of cells are not encapsulated may ultimately lead to negative cells and hence the message: “prism columns not encapsulated, can’t remesh”: The solution to overcome this warning message is to choose a partitioning method that ensures columns of prism/wedge cells to be encapsulated/reside on a CPU/core. Here is a note from Fluent User Documentation: In parallel, a partition method that partitions perpendicular to the extrusion surface should be used. For example, if the normal of the extrusion surface points in the X-direction then Cartesian-Y or Cartesian-Z would be the perfect partition methods.