We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


ANSYS SpaceClaim: I am trying to connect separate solids like Head, Torso, Upper Arm, etc. into 1 solid. I need to move them in order to connect but there are no planar/cylindrical faces on any of these bodies. How to move such bodies?

    • FAQFAQ

      There are two different techniques that can be used: 1. Click the point tool in the sketch group and then click the 3D Mode button slightly to the right. This will allow you to place points directly on the 3D objects. If you place a point on the top “face” of the thigh, then the bottom face of the torso, you could move select the torso, anchor the move tool to the upper point, and then move upto the torso. This will put the body in the right position in space, but you’d probably have to rotate it into the correct position. 2. Move all of the bodies into components. In each component, insert planes and axes to represent the joints of the limbs. These objects must be in the same component as the solid they are associated with. Once all the planes/axes are in each component, you’ll be able to use the assembly tools (Tangent, Align, Orient, etc.) to click an axis representing the shoulder on the upper arm, and assemble it to an axis representing the shoulder on the torso. This can continue with planes as well.