Structural & Thermal

Structural & Thermal

How to calculate moment reaction vector’s 3 angles(w.r.t. X, Y, Z axis) to specify the direction?

    • SolutionSolution

      To calculate moment reaction angles, a command snippet will be required. The command snippet uses FSUM command. FSUM will sum up forces and moments for the selected nodes. One can find the angles with inverse cos(), sin() or tan() of moments. Additionally has to do some “if” statement checks because the inverse functions are only defined for a certain range of angles. To write the FSUM values, nodal forces should be written to the data base. Go to Analysis Setting > Output Controls > Nodal Forces. Set to ‘Yes’. Command snippet will require a nodal named selection of geometry named “Geom_sel” for the selection to which the moment reaction will be calculated. Actually, it will be opposite direction to the reaction. Attached is the commands which should be placed in a command snippet under the solution branch. The 3 angles will be reported in the details of the command snippet after evaluating the result.
