

I activated the physics beta options in CFX Pre (Edit -> Options -> CFX-Pre -> General -> Beta Options -> Physics Beta Features -> Enable Beta Features), but the CFX Pre GUI still does not show available beta feature options/checkboxes for my case. What might be the reason for this and how can I get access to the beta features?

    • FAQFAQ

      The beta options under Edit -> Options are supposed to provide the default settings for a new case. Once a case file (*.cfx) exists, the availability of the beta features for this case is determined by the beta options that appear under the outline tree under Case Options -> General (at the bottom of the tree). These settings reflect the current settings for the case and can be changed as you would expect. Changing the Case Options does not affect anything under Edit -> Options. So if you load an existing case file (.cfx file), you will see the beta features in the GUI only if its Case Options have the beta features turned on, independently of the general settings in Edit -> Option. If you modify the beta preferences under Edit -> Options, then these settings will affect all new cases. Additionally, the Case Options beta preferences for an open case are also updated to match. This allows users to generally have beta features turned off (so Edit -> Options would have beta features off) but to work on a single case that might have beta options enabled, without having to update the preferences each time. Since the case options are not stored in a .def-file, the visibility of the beta options after loading a .def-file will always match the beta preferences under Edit -> Options.